Here’s to New Beginnings!

Friday was a pretty big day for me – it was my last day as an employee at NewsChannel 8! So, what’s next? I’m glad you asked!

I’ve decided to take the plunge into the wild and wonderful world of freelance media! That sounds pretty scary, I know. No steady paycheck. No company health insurance. No paid sick leave. (Why the heck did I decide to do this again?)

After some serious soul-searching, I realized that there wasn’t a perfect “job” out there for me, and it was time to create one. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my time at “Let’s Talk Live.” My team was incredible, and I had the wonderful responsibility of providing our viewers with entertaining content about the hundreds of restaurants, businesses and events in the DC area.

I’m certainly going to miss it, but I’m even more excited about what’s next!

For all the unknowns in the freelance world, there are also some pretty sweet perks: No supervisors. No timesheets. No company-mandated schedule.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean sitting around in PJ’s surfing the internet and binging “House of Cards” all day… (Wait, it doesn’t?) No, it doesn’t.

I’m launching my own media company called “Lani Furbank Creative Media,” and as a one-woman-show, I’ll be wearing a lot of hats. I’m the boss, the accountant, the receptionist, the saleswoman, the writer, the web developer, the consultant, the photographer and the videographer. I don’t know if I even own that many hats. (Note to self: Buy more hats.)

While it will be a huge responsibility, it will also allow me to explore all sorts of exciting topics – everything from sustainable farming to gourmet cooking! And, it gives me a lot more time to focus on YOU, my lovely readers! That’s right, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me around these parts!

My company will be cover a broad spectrum of media needs: feature articles on food, lifestyle and the environment; public relations writing, to include ghost-writing, blogging and press releases and more; photoshoots and event photography; videography projects; web and social media marketing; and really anything else you can think of! (Except elephant training, leaf raking and spider-hunting. I have to draw the line somewhere.)

I can’t wait to tell you all about it – and maybe even work together! (Shameless plug: contact me if any of the above services interest you!)

Until then, I really need to get back to work. Who’s in charge here, anyway?

While I’m gone, enjoy my cameo on “Let’s Talk Live” where I get attacked by balloons while saying farewell!



  1. Sery Kim

    Congrats Lani on this newest and boldest chapter of your life! I look forward to seeing what all Lani Furbank Creative Media does in this space!!


    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks so much for your support, Sery!! I’m very excited to start this new chapter and I look forward to continuing to work with you!

  2. Ryan Parkhurst

    Congrats Lani. We here at JMU are all rooting for you!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks so much, Ryan!! I appreciate your support! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Amy Roscher

    Great news, Lani! If anyone can do this, you can!!!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks a bunch, Amy!! Your support means a lot!

  4. Kassie Hoffmeister

    I am incredibly excited for you!! You are an amazing media producer of sorts and I can’t wait to see what you capture.

    P.S. Good job at blocking yourself with those balloons, haha. Awkward ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thank you, Kassie!! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I know, right?! Those balloons and I did not get along…

  5. Manny

    Congrats, Lani! I wish you all the best.

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks, Manny! Hopefully there will be some collaboration opportunities with you and your digital empire… ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Cory G.

    This is Awesome Lani!! Congratulations on your new endeavor! I wish you the best of luck!! I know you will be very successful considering your talent and journalism skills! I am sure before too long that you will be an a internationally none media person!! If I can ever be of service to you, let me know. I will always be willing to help however I may.

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thank you, Cory! I really appreciate your kind words and support! I look forward to continuing to work with you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Brad Jenkins

    All your friends at The Breeze are pulling for you and rooting for great success!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thank you, Brad! I’ll be using what I learned working with you all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Rachael Barnes

    Yay Lani!! Super excited for you!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks, Rachael!!!

  9. George Johnson

    Good luck Lani! Quite an exciting jump! Love the balloon shots ๐Ÿ™‚ I didn’t realize they made such aggressive balloons!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thank you! And yes, I’m glad my balloon defense skills were up to par!!

  10. Caroline

    Congratulations Lani, your commitment and talent will lead you to some fantastic opportunities i’m sure. Loved watching that segment, all the very best! Good luck!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks so much, Caroline!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I appreciate the support!

  11. shaunda

    Congrats Lani!I’m so proud of you!

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Thanks so much, Shaunda!

  12. Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist

    Missed you on Monday:-) Congrats again! You are truly one of a kind.

    1. lanifurbank (Post author)

      Missed you too! I know the segment was fabulous. And thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚


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