Eater DC: The Hottest New Veggie Burgers in DC

From Eater DC by Lani Furbank:

“Eater regularly keeps tabs on the hottest new burgers in town for the carnivores, so it’s only fair to have a go-to burger resource for vegetarians, vegans, and people who just need a break from red meat. Enter the Veggie Burger Heatmap.

This map tracks new plant-based burger options in town, whether they’re the product of a new fast-casual joint or a menu revamp at an existing restaurant. Black bean and mushroom patties are still favorites, but chefs are also experimenting with unusual veggie bases, from sweet potatoes and greens to red kidney beans and chickpeas. Things get even more veg wild when it comes to toppings.

Here are 12 new veggie burgers from fresh new restaurants (like Fare Well, Shouk, and Owen’s Ordinary), menu overhauls (including Firefly and Proof), and a few new out-of-town imports (like Bare Burger, Tasty Burger, and Hip City Veg).”

Read about the options HERE!

Featured photo courtesy of Hip City Veg.